Semi-precious stones necklace: your talisman of luck and style

Collana pietre dure: il tuo talismano di fortuna e stile.

Many semi-precious stones are defined, in gemology, as semi-precious stones referring to some specific categories of stones. Some others, rarer to find, such as diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires are defined as precious stones. However, this categorization is a practice that has become current even though it does not have an effective scientific motivation.

For example, the emerald belongs to the beryl family, a crystalline mineral from which aquamarine, morganite and chrysoberyl are also formed. Which fall into the group of semi-precious gems, despite having the same nature. As is the case with corundum, from which both ruby and sapphire are obtained. Therefore, it is quite common for a semi-precious stone necklace to contain stones of a value equal to that of the gems labeled as precious.

In addition to their rarity, other values are taken into consideration today, such as the intrinsic quality of the stone and its workmanship. The fact is that for centuries the semi-precious stone necklace, of every composition and nature, has exercised a strong attraction in the human being and so today. Their charm releases an aura that is undoubtedly magical, perhaps precisely due to an innate natural bond between man and the heart of the earth.

History and magic of the semi-precious stone necklace

There are many semi-precious stones that make up the list of semi-precious stones, many of which have been used in jewelery for centuries. Among these the main ones are certainly:

  • Lapis lazuli, a predominantly intense blue stone known in all ancient cultures and historical periods of humanity. From the Egyptians to the Sumerians, where the stone had an almost sacred value up to its use in the Renaissance. Here, it was ground by painters to be used as a pigment in the composition of paintings and frescoes.
  • The moonstone, highly appreciated among semi-precious stones for its typical luminosity called adularescence. In all ancient cultures, from India to those of the Roman Empire, the use of this stone was linked to the ability to see and govern the future.
  • The agate, with its many colors, belongs to the large family of quartz. One of its varieties is onyx, which takes on translucent properties and is also used to make cameos. In all cultures, wearing agate was considered a gesture of good luck, aimed at obtaining divine favor.
  • Opal is a microcrystalline siliceous mineral and comes in an extremely varied range of colors. This abundance of colors has made this stone associated with luck and this has favored its use in semi-precious stones necklaces.

The list of semi-precious stones in the world of jewelery includes over a hundred specimens, each having its own specific characteristics and peculiarities. A small number when compared to the more than 4,000 minerals known to date on Earth.

Stones, beauty and fashion

If they have been so successful in human history, the reason is to be found in the objective beauty of semi-precious stones. Worked, faceted and polished, the semi-precious stone necklace highlights its own beauty, giving elegance and charm to the wearer. Their varied colors allow for an infinite number of outfit possibilities, being able to combine them with any garment or accessory, creating harmonious combinations in any case.

Semi-precious stones, unlike other types of gems, allow for a much more informal use linked to daily life. Perfect, therefore, for everyday life when it’s easier to be spontaneous and natural. They are therefore gems to be chosen as an accessory in the same way as we choose a bag, a scarf or a pair of shoes. A must have that we just can’t not have.

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